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This function converts vectors and matrices of all kinds to numeric. The function can also be used to convert all columns of a data.frame to class numeric for which this conversion is possible i.e. without creating NA when it fails. Non-convertible columns are maintained.


asNumericIfPossible(x, maintain.factor.scores = TRUE, force.string = TRUE,
transform.factors = TRUE, varName = NULL)



A vector or data frame which should be converted.


Logical: If TRUE, conversion of the factor levels is attempted (like in as.numeric(as.character(f))). If FALSE, the internal codes of the factor are returned (like in as.numeric(f)). See 'Details'. This argument is only evaluated if transform.factors = TRUE.


Logical indicating whether columns should be force to numeric, even if NAs are induced. If FALSE, affected columns are maintained. If TRUE, conversion is forced.


Logical indicating whether columns of class factor should be converted. If FALSE, columns of class factor are maintained. If TRUE, conversion of factors is attempted.


Optional: Name of the corresponding variable. Doesn't have to be changed by user.


In R, factors may represent ordered categories or categorical variables. Depending on the meaning of the variable, a conversion of the nominal values (of a factor variable) to numeric values may be desirable or not. The arguments transform.factors and maintain.factor.scores specify if and how factor variables should be treated. See examples.


Sebastian Weirich, Karoline Sachse, Benjamin Becker


dat <- data.frame(X1 = c("1",NA,"0"), X2 = c("a",NA,"b"),
                  X3 = c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE), X4 = as.factor(c("a",NA,"b")),
                  X5 = as.factor(c("5","6","7")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#> 'data.frame':	3 obs. of  5 variables:
#>  $ X1: chr  "1" NA "0"
#>  $ X2: chr  "a" NA "b"
#>  $ X3: logi  TRUE FALSE FALSE
#>  $ X4: Factor w/ 2 levels "a","b": 1 NA 2
#>  $ X5: Factor w/ 3 levels "5","6","7": 1 2 3
#> Warning: 'X2' has been coerced to numeric, NAs have been induced.
#> Warning: 'X4' has been coerced to numeric, NAs have been induced.
#>   X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
#> 1  1 NA  1 NA  5
#> 2 NA NA  0 NA  6
#> 3  0 NA  0 NA  7
asNumericIfPossible(dat, transform.factors=TRUE,
#> Warning: 'X2' has been coerced to numeric, NAs have been induced.
#>   X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
#> 1  1 NA  1  1  1
#> 2 NA NA  0 NA  2
#> 3  0 NA  0  2  3
asNumericIfPossible(dat, transform.factors=TRUE,
#> Warning: 'X2' has been coerced to numeric, NAs have been induced.
#> Warning: 'X4' has been coerced to numeric, NAs have been induced.
#>   X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
#> 1  1 NA  1 NA  5
#> 2 NA NA  0 NA  6
#> 3  0 NA  0 NA  7