Set the Class of Columns in a Data Frame
This function converts the classes of columns to character
, numeric
, logical
, integer
or factor
set.col.type(dat, col.type = list("character" = NULL), verbose = FALSE, ...)
- dat
A data frame
- col.type
A named list of column names that are to be converted. The names of the list indicate the class to which the respective column should be converted (
)- verbose
details about converted columns are printed on the console- ...
Additional arguments to be passed to
Use col.type="numeric.if.possible"
if conversion to numeric should be tested upfront, see asNumericIfPossible
for details.
str(d <- data.frame("var1" = 1, "var2" = TRUE, "var3" = FALSE,
"var4" = as.factor(1), "var5" = as.factor("a"),"var6" = "b",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
#> 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ var1: num 1
#> $ var2: logi TRUE
#> $ var3: logi FALSE
#> $ var4: Factor w/ 1 level "1": 1
#> $ var5: Factor w/ 1 level "a": 1
#> $ var6: chr "b"
#> 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ var1: chr "1"
#> $ var2: chr "TRUE"
#> $ var3: chr "FALSE"
#> $ var4: chr "1"
#> $ var5: chr "a"
#> $ var6: chr "b"
str(set.col.type(d, list("numeric" = NULL)))
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ var1: num 1
#> $ var2: num 1
#> $ var3: num 0
#> $ var4: num 1
#> $ var5: num 1
#> $ var6: num NA
str(set.col.type(d, list("character" = c("var1" , "var2"),
"numeric" = "var3", "logical" = "var4")))
#> 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ var1: chr "1"
#> $ var2: chr "TRUE"
#> $ var3: num 0
#> $ var4: logi NA
#> $ var5: Factor w/ 1 level "a": 1
#> $ var6: chr "b"
str(set.col.type(d, list("numeric.if.possible" = NULL)))
#> Warning: Variable can not be transformed to numeric. Use force.string = TRUE to force this.
#> Warning: Variable can not be transformed to numeric. Use force.string = TRUE to force this.
#> Warning: Conversion of variable(s) var5, var6 to numeric.if.possible failed.
#> 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ var1: num 1
#> $ var2: num 1
#> $ var3: num 0
#> $ var4: num 1
#> $ var5: Factor w/ 1 level "a": 1
#> $ var6: chr "b"
str(set.col.type(d, list("numeric.if.possible" = NULL),
transform.factors = TRUE))
#> Warning: Variable can not be transformed to numeric. Use force.string = TRUE to force this.
#> Warning: Variable can not be transformed to numeric. Use force.string = TRUE to force this.
#> Warning: Conversion of variable(s) var5, var6 to numeric.if.possible failed.
#> 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ var1: num 1
#> $ var2: num 1
#> $ var3: num 0
#> $ var4: num 1
#> $ var5: Factor w/ 1 level "a": 1
#> $ var6: chr "b"
str(set.col.type(d, list("numeric.if.possible" = NULL), transform.factors = TRUE,
maintain.factor.scores = FALSE))
#> Warning: Variable can not be transformed to numeric. Use force.string = TRUE to force this.
#> Warning: Conversion of variable(s) var6 to numeric.if.possible failed.
#> 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ var1: num 1
#> $ var2: num 1
#> $ var3: num 0
#> $ var4: num 1
#> $ var5: num 1
#> $ var6: chr "b"