The following vignette demonstrates some analyses based on
replication methods (Krewski & Rao, 1981;
Rust, 2014; Rust & Rao, 1996; Wolter, 2007). Replication
methods are quite common in the context of survey or large-scale
assessment data (Foy et al., 2008) like
the “National Assessment
Studies and IQB Trends in Student Achievement” . The following
examples are closely related to the “IQB” context (e.g., jackknife-2
methods are used instead of balanced repeated replicates), but may be
adapted for PISA or TIMSS analyses as well. For an illustration how
can be applied to PISA data and its specific
replication design, see the last example in the documentation of the
Please note that the theoretical foundations of the presented methods
are beyond the scope of this vignette—literature recommendations for in
depth theoretical discussions can be found in the package documentation
(type package?eatRep
into the console). Instead, this
vignette focuses on some prototypical analyses.
Furthermore, note that IRT item calibration (Hambleton et al., 1991; Hambleton & Jones, 1993; Mislevy, Johnson, et al., 1992) or “plausible values” imputation (Davier et al., 2009; Mislevy, Beaton, et al., 1992; Monseur & Adams, 2009) are not covered in this vignette. All the outlined analyses base on survey data in which “plausible values” are already included. Such kind of data is provided by the OECD or can be requested from the “Research Data Centre (FDZ) at the IQB”. Most of the analyses comprise of descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations), frequency distributions, and linear or logistic regression models. Usually, sampling designs for large-scale assessments have the following, specific characteristics:
Often, individuals in survey data are not randomly drawn from the population. In educational assessments which aim to compare countries, for example, the proportions in the sample do not necessarily correspond to the proportions in the population. Often, institutions like the OECD provide sampling weights according with their data which allow to estimate population parameters.
The (primary) sampling units in educational data are classes instead of individuals. Hence, the sample is clustered. Students within a class are more alike than students from different classes. Therefore, clustered sampled students are more homogeneous than randomly sampled students which may lead to biased standard error estimates in inference-based analyses.
Variables of interest (e.g. educational achievement) are latent and not directly observable (they are inherently missing). Additionally, questionnaire data frequently include missing responses. Therefore, institutions like the OECD or the IQB provide imputed data.
allows to compute (adjusted) means and mean
differences, frequency tables, percentiles, and parameter of (log)
linear regression models, taking the clustered and/or imputed sample
into account via replication methods. Trend analyses are possible as
well. eatRep
meets the special features mentioned above (if
they apply) in the following way:
1.: include sampling weights for the analyses.
2.: Use replication methods (Bootstrap, jackknife or “Balanced repeated replicates”) for inference statistics.
3.: Pool the results by applying specific rules (Little & Rubin, 1987; Rubin, 2003).
However, eatRep
is also suitable if the data is
clustered without imputations or imputed without clustered sampling. The
three mentioned methods (using weights, replication methods, pooling
methods) can be called independently from each other.
We recommend to use R version 4.0.0 or higher. eatRep
available from CRAN:
contains exemplary data named lsa
(“large scale assessment”), which resembles the “IQB
Gesamtanalysedatensatz (GADS)”. lsa
, however, is reduced in
numbers of examinees, imputations, and variables. Once the package is
loaded, the structure of lsa
can be inspected via:
## 'data.frame': 77322 obs. of 25 variables:
## $ year : num 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 ...
## $ idstud : Factor w/ 11655 levels "P00001","P00002",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ idclass : Factor w/ 432 levels "C001","C002",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ wgt : num 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 ...
## $ L2wgt : num 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 2.43 ...
## $ L1wgt : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ jkzone : num 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 ...
## $ jkrep : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ imp : num 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 ...
## $ nest : num 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 ...
## $ country : Factor w/ 3 levels "countryA","countryB",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "female","male": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ ses : num 56 56 56 56 56 56 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 ...
## $ mig : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
## $ domain : Factor w/ 2 levels "listening","reading": 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ score : num 366 366 425 551 485 ...
## $ comp : num 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
## $ failMin : num 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ passReg : num 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ passOpt : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ leScore : num 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 ...
## $ leComp : num 0.00262 0.00262 0.0022 0.00155 0.00155 ...
## $ leFailMin: num 0.00262 0.00262 0.00262 0.00262 0.00262 ...
## $ lePassReg: num 0.00482 0.00482 0.00482 0.00482 0.00482 ...
## $ lePassOpt: num 0.00059 0.00059 0.00059 0.00059 0.00059 ...
is in the long format; this means the data set
contains multiple rows per individual person. Imputed variables (e.g.,
migration background, mig
) do not occur in several
columns (mig_Imp_1
, mig_Imp_2
, and so on), but only once: mig
Multiple imputations are stored in multiple rows, and the variable
yields the number of the imputed data set. Furthermore,
variables which refer to different competence domains (reading,
listening) and different imputations and different
times of measurement (i.e., the competence variable score
do not occur in multiple columns (reading_2010_score_Imp_1
, …,
, …). score
occurs once, and imp
defines the imputation, whereas
gives the competence domain. To reshape data between
the long and wide format, see for example the package tidyr
, pivot_longer()
) or the
function wideToLong()
from the package
. See section 1.1 for more details about reshaping
and examples.
contains the following variables:
: year of assessment (2010 or 2015)idstud
: individual student identifier; the data set
contains 11,637 persons overallidclass
: class identifier; the data set contains 432
classes overallwgt
: sampling weightjkzone
: jackknife zonejkrep
: jackknife replicateimp
: number of imputation (1, 2, or 3)nest
: number of nest (for nested imputation which is
not yet considered here, but see the examples of repMean()
for further details)country
: federal state the student stems fromsex
: students sex (male, female)ses
: socio economical statusmig
: migration backgrounddomain
: competence domain (listening or reading)score
: point estimate (e.g., plausible value) for the
corresponding imputation and domain. According to PISA, the scale is
normed with a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100comp
: competence level with 5 distinct levels according
to pre-defined cut scores. “1” corresponds to the lowest competence
level, and “5” corresponds to the highest competence levelfailMin
: does the student fail to achieve the minimum
: does the student achieve regular
: does the student achieve optimal
: linking error according to score
: linking error according to comp
: linking error according to
: linking error according to
: linking error according to
includes more than 77,000 observations. Actual large
scale assessment data, however, have much more observations.
only represents a small section with only 3 imputations
(instead of 10 used in PISA), 3 federal states (PISA includes 35 OECD
countries), and two domains. Most variables have labels, stored as
## $varLabel
## [1] "year of assessment (2010 or 2015)"
As nested imputations are not considered here, we reduce the data to the first nest:
bt <- lsa[which(lsa[,"nest"] == 1),]
Institutions like PISA provide imputed data in the wide format. Each
row in the data matrix represents one person. eatRep
however, needs the long format. (Without imputations, this procedure is
not necessary.) Wide format data stores different imputations of the
same variable in different columns. The number of imputations is not
stored in an explicit variable but results from the number of additional
columns per variable. Long format data stores different imputations of
the same variable in additional rows. A variable like imp
defines the number of the imputation.
, tidyr
or data.table
provide functions for reshaping. Moreover, eatTools
provides the wideToLong()
function for easy reshaping into
the required long format. We illustrate the functionality with the help
of the wide format exemplary data data.timss3
from the
## 'data.frame': 4668 obs. of 20 variables:
## $ IDSTUD : num 4e+08 4e+08 4e+08 4e+08 4e+08 ...
## $ TOTWGT : num 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 ...
## $ JKZONE : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ JKREP : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ female : num 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 ...
## $ books : num 3 3 5 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 ...
## $ lang : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ migrant: num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
## $ scsci : num NA 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 ...
## $ likesc : num 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 NA 1 ...
## $ ASMMAT1: num 543 522 456 512 506 ...
## $ ASSSCI1: num 600 512 497 584 533 ...
## $ ASMMAT2: num 557 533 462 510 563 ...
## $ ASSSCI2: num 578 519 545 614 568 ...
## $ ASMMAT3: num 506 557 445 531 530 ...
## $ ASSSCI3: num 570 554 528 569 564 ...
## $ ASMMAT4: num 524 511 473 497 488 ...
## $ ASSSCI4: num 560 506 550 597 483 ...
## $ ASMMAT5: num 578 546 457 528 583 ...
## $ ASSSCI5: num 607 565 546 623 578 ...
Data contains 4668 rows according to 4668 persons. The following variables should be considered for reshaping:
: individual student identifierTOTWGT
: weighting variableJKZONE
: jackknife zoneJKREP
: jackknife replicatefemale
: students sex (1 = female; 0 = male)books
: number of books at homelang
: language at home (How often is the language used
in the test spoken at home?)migrant
: migration backgroundASMMAT1
: first imputation (first plausible value) for
math competenceASMMAT2
: second imputation (second plausible value) for
math competenceASMMAT3
: third imputation (third plausible value) for
math competenceASMMAT4
: fourth imputation (fourth plausible value) for
math competenceASMMAT5
: fifth imputation (fifth plausible value) for
math competenceASSSCI1
: first imputation (first plausible value) for
science competenceASSSCI2
: second imputation (second plausible value) for
science competenceASSSCI3
: third imputation (third plausible value) for
science competenceASSSCI4
: fourth imputation (fourth plausible value) for
science competenceASSSCI5
: fifth imputation (fifth plausible value) for
science competenceAs TIMSS data is in the wide format, no imputation variable exists.
In contrast to the long format, we can easily see which variables are
imputed (ASMMAT
occurs five times), and which are not
only occurs once). For reshaping, number of
imputations must be constant across imputed variables—hence,
cannot be used for nested imputed data.
needs to know all variables which should be
used for further analyses—the remaining variables can be ignored. The
functionality differentiates between imputed and non-imputed
timssLong <- eatTools::wideToLong(datWide = data.timss3,
noImp = c("IDSTUD", "TOTWGT", "JKZONE", "JKREP", "female"),
imp = list ( math = c("ASMMAT1", "ASMMAT2", "ASMMAT3", "ASMMAT4", "ASMMAT5"),
science = c("ASSSCI1", "ASSSCI2", "ASSSCI3", "ASSSCI4", "ASSSCI5")))
The non-imputed variables can be defined in a single character
string, whereas imputed variables should be defined in a named list with
one or more character strings. In our example, variable
consists of five imputations ASMMAT1
, and
. Variable science
also consists of
five imputations, ASSSCI1
, and ASSSCI5
Resulting data timssLong
now is suitable for
analyses. For many imputations (e.g., 15),
specifying character strings is more straightforward by using the
or paste0()
timssLong <- eatTools::wideToLong(datWide = data.timss3,
noImp = c("IDSTUD", "TOTWGT", "JKZONE", "JKREP", "female"),
imp = list ( math = paste0("ASMMAT",1:5),
science = paste0("ASSSCI",1:5)))
Alternatively, reshaping can be performed with melt()
from the data.table
The four main functions can be seen as “replication variants” of the
base R
functions mean()
, table()
, and glm()
: computes means, standard deviations, mean
differences, and standard deviation differences
: computes frequency tables and
differences thereof
for quantiles, percentiles, and so
: linear and generalized linear regression
For the first example, we want to compute means and standard
deviations (along with their standard errors) in reading competencies
for several federal states at one distinct time of measurement (2010).
As bt
contains data from 2010 and 2015 as well as both
competencies reading and listening, we subset the data set:
bt2010 <- bt[which(bt[,"year"] == 2010),]
bt2010read <- bt2010[which(bt2010[,"domain"] == "reading"),]
We now call repMean()
with the reduced data set
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", dependent = "score",
progress = FALSE)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 1'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
We use country
as a grouping variable—all analyses are
computed for each country separately. Important: persons in the data
must be nested within the grouping variable. This is true for
; each person belongs to only one federal state. For
another possible grouping variable, domain
, this is not the
case, as one single person may have worked on items from more than one
domain. To check whether persons are nested within a grouping variable,
the function isNested()
from the lme4
package can be called:
lme4::isNested(bt2010[,"idstud"], bt2010[,"country"])
## [1] TRUE
lme4::isNested(bt2010[,"idstud"], bt2010[,"domain"])
## [1] FALSE
To conduct the analyses for both domains in a single call, we
recommend using a loop, according to “listening” and “reading”. We
demonstrate this usage in section 2.5. To collect the results in a
single data.frame
which can be exported to excel, for
example, the reporting function report2()
should be
To simplify the graphical visualization of the results using the eatPlot package, a new
reporting function called report2()
was introduced. If you
are only interested in a tabular representation of the results, it is
sufficient to simply extract the “plain” worksheet from the list object
returned by the function. The old reporting function is still included
in the package but deprecated. The argument add
the output with additional columns. The function does not know that the
analysis is about “reading” competence. If this information should be
incorporated in the output, the add
argument allows to
define one or multiple additional columns with scalar information of
character type, for example:
The analysis above includes one grouping variable (“country”) and one competence domain (“reading”) without any group comparisons. The output therefore is rather sparse.
However, the results can be computed according to more than one grouping variable. If the results should be computed for each country and each migration group, both are specified as grouping variables:
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "mig"), dependent = "score",
progress = FALSE)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
Frequently, one might not only be interested in group means but also the total mean. Hence, we want to know the mean of each single country and the mean of the whole population. You can repeat the analysis two times, one including grouping variables and one ignoring all grouping variables, but it is easier to use only one single call:
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", group.splits = 0:1,
dependent = "score", progress = FALSE)
## 2 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 NA
## 2 1 country NA
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
The argument Argument group.splits
defines “hierarchy
levels” for the analyses, indicating whether the analysis should be
conducted within or across groups. The number of hierarchy levels always
equals the number of grouping variables plus one. One grouping variable
means two hierarchy levels, two grouping variables mean three levels,
and so on. Without any grouping variables, only one level, the “zeroth”
level, exists. At the zeroth level, no differentiation takes place; all
statistics are computed for the whole population. With one grouping
variable (country
, for example) two levels can be defined:
at the zeroth level, statistics are computed for the whole population,
and at the first level, statistics are computed for
, countryB
, and countryC
separately. With two grouping variables (country
migration background: mig
), three hierarchy levels are
defined. The entire group (zeroth level), statistics computed for
, countryB
, and countryC
(first level, according to country
), statistics computed
for no migration background
migration background
(first level, according to
), and at the second level, statistics separately
computed for migrants in countryA
, migrants in
, migrants in countryB
, natives in
, natives in countryB
, natives in
. group.splits
is a numeric vector
which contains all desired hierarchy levels. Without specifying
, only the highest hierarchy level is
considered for analysis.
Assume only one grouping variable. group.splits = c(0,1)
or group.splits = 0:1
additionally computes statistics for
the zeroth level. For two grouping variables,
group.splits = 1:2
computes statistics for the first and
second level. The zeroth level is omitted. To yield statistics for all
possible level, type group.splits = 0:x
, where “x” equals
the number of grouping variables.
Do boys and girls significantly differ in their mean competencies? Do
Bavarian students outperform Saxonian students in “reading”? Is the mean
score of Canadian students significantly above the OECD average? These
examples can be distinguished regarding whether both units, which should
be compared, share the same hierarchy level. Differences within a
hierarchy level (e.g., boys vs. girls) are referred to as “group
differences”. Differences between (adjacent) hierarchy levels (e.g.,
Canadian vs. OECD average, as Canada itself is part of the OECD average)
are referred to as “cross-level differences”. The following example
deals with group differences according to sex
—we compare,
whether boys and girls significantly differ in their means:
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "sex", = "sex",
dependent = "score", progress = FALSE)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 1'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
The argument
defines the grouping
variable for which differences should be computed. Note that only one
variable can be specified in
, and this
variable must also occur in groups
(which may, however,
contain further variables). All pairwise contrasts are computed for the
levels in the
-variable. If the
grouping variable is dichotomous with two levels (boys, girls), only one
contrast (boys vs. girls) can be defined. If the grouping variable is
polytomous with three levels (for example, country
countryA, countryB, countryC), three contrasts will be computed
(countryA vs. countryB, countryA vs. countryC, countryB vs. countryC). A
polytomous variable with four levels defines six contrasts, and so on.
If groups
includes more than one variable,
defines for which of these variables
group differences should be computed. If sex differences should be
computed for each country separately, consider the following call:
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), = "sex", dependent = "score", progress = FALSE)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
Compute sex differences in each country and additionally for the whole group:
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, = "sex", dependent = "score", progress = FALSE)
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country <NA>
## 3 1 sex sex
## 4 2 country + sex sex
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
Compute country differences within each sex group and additionally for the whole group:
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, = "country", dependent = "score", progress = FALSE)
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country country
## 3 1 sex <NA>
## 4 2 country + sex country
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
For the easiest case, assume only one grouping variable
with levels boys
and girls
and two hierarchy levels—the zeroth and the first level. Cross-level
differences then refer to the difference of one group mean (e.g.,
mean) and the total mean. With two or more grouping
variables, cross-level differences can be thought of differences of one
distinct group with all higher-ranking hierarchy levels. Assuming two
grouping variables (country
with three levels, and
migration background mig
with two levels), 23 cross-level
differences are theoretically possible:
level 2 vs. level 1:
level 1 vs. level 0:
level 2 vs. level 0:
Each cross-level difference “connects” two hierarchy levels.
Hierarchy levels are neighboring, if their difference equals 1. Levels 2
and 1 are neighboring, but levels 2 and 0 are not. To compute
cross-level differences, group.splits
must be specified as
a numeric vector of at least two distinct elements. To reduce number of
cross-level differences, the argument cross.differences
allows to define for which pairs of hierarchy levels cross-level
differences should be computed.
To give an example: Consider both grouping variables
(3 levels) and mig
(2 levels). Means
should be computed for each of the three hierarchy levels. Group
differences should be computed for the country
(e.g., countryA vs. countryB, countryA vs. countryC, and countryB
vs. countryC). Cross-level differences should be computed only in
relation to the zeroth level, e.g. level 1 vs. level 0, and level 2
vs. level 0. The following command should be called:
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, = "country", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)),
dependent = "score", progress = FALSE)
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country country
## 3 1 sex <NA>
## 4 2 country + sex country
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Warning in repMeanList(datL = datL, a = a): Computation of cross level differences using 'wec' method is only possible for differences according to adjacent levels. Non-adjacent levels will be ignored.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for 'crossDiff_of_groupDiff' is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for crossDifferences across multiple hierarchy levels is currently not supported.
requests a list of numeric vectors
with distinct elements each. Each vector must consist of two integers,
specifying the hierarchy levels for which cross-differences should be
computed. For simplicity, cross.differences = TRUE
all possible cross-level differences. Conversely,
cross.differences = FALSE
omits all cross-level
allows to compute cross-level differences
of group differences, for example, if researchers want to know whether
the difference “boys vs. girls” in “countryA” differs from the
difference “boys vs. girls” in the total population. Note that we
explicitly assume heteroscedastic variance in cross-level difference
estimation by setting hetero = TRUE
clusters = "idclass"
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, = "sex", cross.differences = TRUE, dependent = "score",
progress = FALSE, clusters = "idclass", hetero = TRUE)
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country <NA>
## 3 1 sex sex
## 4 2 country + sex sex
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Compute cross level differences using 'wec' method. Assume heteroscedastic variances.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 32 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 60 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 40 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 91 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for 'crossDiff_of_groupDiff' is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for crossDifferences across multiple hierarchy levels is currently not supported.
In the output data.frame created by report2()
cross-level differences of group differences are marked with the entry
in the comparison
For cross-level differences, the groups are not independent—when
comparing countryA
with the whole population, one must
consider that countryA
is part of the whole population.
Hence, a t test is not appropriate. eatRep
supports “weighted effect coding” (Grotenhuis et
al., 2017; Weirich et al., 2021) or replication methods (e.g,
bootstrap), with “weighted effect coding” (wec) being the default.
Alternative methods can be chosen with the crossDiffSE
argument. The method old
uses an inappropriate t
test and should not be used. The method is maintained in the package to
provide compatibility with older versions.
In general, trends are just group differences. If the groups are
distinct, persons are nested within the trend variable (each person
belongs to solely one point in time). The major factor distinguishing
trends from “conventional” group differences is the item sample: For
group differences, the item sample is usually identical, for trends,
this is not necessarily the case. Moreover, comparisons across different
points in time run the risk of being affected by differential item
functioning (DIF) or item parameter drift (IPD). If DIF can be
considered as random, it should be incorporated into the computation of
standard errors of trend estimates. If standard error of trend estimates
should be computed, eatRep
allows to take the “linking
error” according to differently functioning items into account.
When computing trends, the analysis is conducted in both cohorts (for example, 2010 and 2015) separately. Afterwards, for each combination of grouping variables, the difference is estimated. The standard error of this difference is:
Trends can be computed for simple means, group differences, and
cross-level differences. For illustration the last analysis now will be
repeated with additional trend estimation. The former used data object
cannot be used any longer as only 2010 data are
included. We use “reading competence” for 2010 and 2015 by subsetting
the bt
data. In the function call, the trend variable
trend = "year"
as well as the linking error
linkErr = "leScore"
have to be defined. Without specifying
the linkErr
argument, the linking error is defaulted to
btread <- bt[which(bt[,"domain"] == "reading"),]
results <- repMean(datL = btread, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, = "country", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)),
dependent = "score", trend = "year", linkErr = "leScore", progress = FALSE)
## Trend group: '2010'
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country country
## 3 1 sex <NA>
## 4 2 country + sex country
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country country
## 3 1 sex <NA>
## 4 2 country + sex country
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Warning in repMeanList(datL = datL, a = a): Computation of cross level differences using 'wec' method is only possible for differences according to adjacent levels. Non-adjacent levels will be ignored.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Note: No linking error was defined. Linking error will be defaulted to '0'.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Note: No linking error was defined. Linking error will be defaulted to '0'.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for 'crossDiff_of_groupDiff' is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for crossDifferences across multiple hierarchy levels is currently not supported.
Arguments groups
and group.splits
allow to
analyze different groups and different hierarchy levels with just one
single call. Alternatively, repMean()
may be called two
times, once without grouping variable(s), and one with additional
grouping variable(s). The argument groups
requires that
individuals are nested within grouping variables. Individuals, however,
are not nested within competence domains (“reading” and
cannot be used as grouping variable.
Alternatively, if both domains should be analyzed with one single call,
an additional outer loop is necessary. We demonstrate this procedure
with exemplary data bt
, containing both domains “reading”
and “listening”. As in the example before, we analyze group,
cross-level, and trend differences.
results <- by(data = bt, INDICES = bt[,"domain"], FUN = function ( subsample) {
repMean(datL = subsample, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"),
group.splits = 0:2, = "country",
cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score",
trend = "year", linkErr = "leScore", progress = FALSE) } )
## Trend group: '2010'
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country country
## 3 1 sex <NA>
## 4 2 country + sex country
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country country
## 3 1 sex <NA>
## 4 2 country + sex country
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Warning in repMeanList(datL = datL, a = a): Computation of cross level differences using 'wec' method is only possible for differences according to adjacent levels. Non-adjacent levels will be ignored.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Note: No linking error was defined. Linking error will be defaulted to '0'.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Note: No linking error was defined. Linking error will be defaulted to '0'.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country country
## 3 1 sex <NA>
## 4 2 country + sex country
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 4 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1 2'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level
## 1 0 <NA>
## 2 1 country country
## 3 1 sex <NA>
## 4 2 country + sex country
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Warning in repMeanList(datL = datL, a = a): Computation of cross level differences using 'wec' method is only possible for differences according to adjacent levels. Non-adjacent levels will be ignored.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Note: No linking error was defined. Linking error will be defaulted to '0'.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Note: No linking error was defined. Linking error will be defaulted to '0'.
The by
-loop around repMean
splits the data
in two subsets which are analyzed consecutively. The
object is a list with two elements, “listening” and
“reading”. The reporting function must be called for these two list
elements separately. We now see that the argument add
help to distinguish both resulting data.frames. First, the processing is
demonstrated without using a loop:
## [1] "listening" "reading"
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for 'crossDiff_of_groupDiff' is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for crossDifferences across multiple hierarchy levels is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for 'crossDiff_of_groupDiff' is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for crossDifferences across multiple hierarchy levels is currently not supported.
allResults1 <- rbind (resultsListening, resultsReading)
Using a loop shortens the call, especially if more than two competence domains are used:
allResults2 <- lapply(names(results), FUN = function ( x ) {
report2(results[[x]], add = list(kb=x))[["plain"]]})
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for 'crossDiff_of_groupDiff' is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for crossDifferences across multiple hierarchy levels is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for 'crossDiff_of_groupDiff' is currently not supported.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Standard error correction for crossDifferences across multiple hierarchy levels is currently not supported.
allResults2 <-"rbind", allResults2)
also allows to compute “adjusted” means (Mayer et al., 2016; Nachtigall et al., 2008).
We will not elaborate on theoretical issues about adjusted means—broadly
speaking, unadjusted comparisons between two countries, say, Japan and
Vietnam, may be difficult to interpret, because both countries differ
substantially in terms of mean socio-economical status, migration
background, and other background variables. Adjusted means can be
thought of as weighted means to answer the question: would both
countries still differ in their mean competencies, if the distribution
of background variables would be equal? The researcher is free to select
which background or demographic variables should be chosen for
We demonstrate the computation of adjusted means for the domain
“reading” in 2010, where we adjust for sex
, migration
background (mig
) and socio-economical status
). All variables selected for adjustment must be
numeric. For polytomous variables (e.g., language at home: “german”,
“german and another language”, “only another language”) dichotomous
indicator variables must be generated beforehand. In the following
example, we transform the non-numeric adjustment variables
and mig
to be numeric.
## sex mig ses
## "factor" "logical" "numeric"
bt2010read[,"sexnum"] <- car::recode(bt2010read[,"sex"], "'male'=0; 'female'=1",
as.factor = FALSE)
bt2010read[,"mignum"] <- as.numeric(bt2010read[,"mig"])
results <- repMean(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", group.splits = 0:1,
cross.differences = TRUE, adjust = c("sexnum", "mignum", "ses"),
dependent = "score", progress = FALSE)
## Warning in repMeanList(datL = datL, a = a): To date, for adjusted means, cross-level differences can only be computed with method 'old'. Set 'crossDiffSE' to 'old'.
## 2 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0 1'.
## analysis.number hierarchy.level adjust
## 1 0 NA FALSE
## 2 1 country NA TRUE
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
Please note that, to date, cross-level differences for adjusted means
can only be computed using the methods old
. In the zeroth
hierarchy level, no adjustment takes place. As the distribution of
background variables in the total population is used as the reference
for the adjusted group means, the adjusted population mean is equal to
the unadjusted population mean.
If trends should be computed for adjusted means, the procedure
sketched above cannot be adopted without further ado. If the adjusted
mean of countryA
in 2015 should be compared with the
adjusted mean of countryA
in 2010, the reference group is
no longer the total population (e.g., all countries). Unadjusted means
do no depend on the specific research questions, but for adjusted means,
the research questions matters: Does countryA
in 2015
differ from countryB
in 2015? Or does countryA
in 2010 differ from countryA
in 2015? Both questions
require different adjustment approaches.
In the previous section, the adjustment for only one time of
measurement was sketched: Would Japan still differ from Vietnam, if the
distribution of background variables were equivalent? For trend
analyses, the research question could be: Would there be differences
between 2010 and 2015 for Japan, if the composition of students
according to some demographic variables would not have changed? The
package eatRep
does not differentiate between both types of
research questions. To compute adjusted trends, the formerly known trend
variable year
must be used as grouping variable. If
adjusted trends for different groups should be estimated, the subsetting
according to groups must be done by hand or via an outer loop. The
incorporation of linking errors, if desired, must be done by hand
likewise. The following example illustrates the procedure. The standard
error of the trend estimate is computed as the square root of the sum of
the squared standard errors for 2010, 2015 and the link:
btread <- bt[which(bt[,"domain"] == "reading"),]
btread[,"sexnum"] <- car::recode(btread[,"sex"], "'male'=0; 'female'=1", as.factor = FALSE)
btread[,"mignum"] <- as.numeric(btread[,"mig"])
btread[,"year"] <- as.integer(btread[,"year"])
results <- by(data = btread, INDICES = btread[,"country"], FUN = function(sub.dat) {
res <- repMean(datL = sub.dat, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("year"),
adjust = c("sexnum", "mignum", "ses"), dependent = "score",
progress = FALSE)
res <- report2(res, add = list( kb="reading",
country= as.character(sub.dat[1,"country"])))[["plain"]]
res[,"trend"] <- diff(res[,"est"])
res[,"trendSE"] <- sqrt(sum(res[,"se"]^2) + unique(sub.dat[,"leScore"])^2)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 1'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 62 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 1'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 65 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 1'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 48 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
results <-"rbind", results)
Univariate frequency analyses of polytomous variables can be thought
of mean analyses of dichotomous indicator variables.
would not be necessary then—for example, you can
redefine a 5-level polytomous variable into five dichotomous indicators
and call repMean()
five times. The main differences between
frequency and mean analyses is the underlying statistic for group
differences: mean analyses typically uses a t test for
independent samples (e.g., “Differ males and females in their mean
reading competencies?”). Frequency tables, however, use
tests, for example (“Differ males and females in their distribution of
competence levels?”). In theory, you can test for each competence level
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 with a separate t test, whether males and
females differ. The comparisons, however, are not independent—a
Bonferroni correction might be appropriate then. In the following, both
variants are sketched:
### first example: group comparisons with a chi^2-Test: we check for each country
### whether the distribution of competence levels differs between males and females
freq1 <- repTable(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), = "sex", cross.differences = FALSE, dependent = "comp",
chiSquare = TRUE, progress = FALSE)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
In the second example, the group comparisons are conducted applying
five separate t tests. For each country and each single
competence level, repTable()
checks whether the
distribution differs between males and females. Technically,
is called five times consecutively.
freq2 <- repTable(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd="jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), = "sex",
cross.differences = FALSE, dependent = "comp", chiSquare = FALSE, progress = FALSE)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
In repTable()
, the computation of cross-level
differences and trends works analogously to repMean()
Section 2.5 demonstrates the use of by()
loops to
analyze more than one domain with one single call. The same principle
works for several dependent variables within one domain. Suppose you
have several dichotomous criteria (e.g. “failed to reach minimal
standard”, “pass regular standard”, “pass optimal standard”),
represented by several variables. A lapply()
loop ca be
applied then:
### abhaengige Variablen definieren
DVs <- c("failMin", "passReg", "passOpt")
freq3 <- lapply(DVs, FUN = function (dv) {
repTable(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), = "sex", cross.differences = FALSE,
dependent = dv, progress = FALSE) })
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
The reporting function report()
must be called three
times, likewise in a lapply()
Both types of loops (across non-nested grouping variables and across several dependent variables) may be combined. In the following example, we want to analyze three dependent variables for two domains. Hence, a two-stage loop for analyses is necessary:
DVs <- c("failMin", "passReg", "passOpt")
freq4 <- lapply(DVs, FUN = function (dv) {
f4 <- by ( data = bt2010, INDICES = bt2010[,"domain"], FUN = function (sub.dat) {
repTable(datL = sub.dat, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), = "sex", cross.differences = FALSE,
dependent = dv, progress = FALSE)})})
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
To convert the results in a more user-friendly format:
allResults4 <- lapply(freq4, FUN = function (av) {"rbind", lapply(names(av), FUN = function ( x ) {
report2(av[[x]], add = list(kb=x))[["plain"]]}))})
allResults4 <-"rbind", allResults4)
A combination of two loops also works for trend analyses. Please note
that each dependent variable potentially has its own linking error. If
so, one solution is to store the variable name along with its linking
error in a data.frame
and use an apply()
### two-stage nested loop with trend analysis
### first we define the dependent variables (dv) and their linking errors (le)
DVs <- data.frame ( dv = c("failMin", "passReg", "passOpt"),
le = c("leFailMin", "lePassReg", "lePassOpt"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
freq5 <- apply(DVs, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function (depVars) {
f4 <- by ( data = bt, INDICES = bt[,"domain"], FUN = function (sub.dat) {
repTable(datL = sub.dat, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), = "sex", cross.differences = FALSE,
trend = "year", dependent = depVars[["dv"]],
linkErr = depVars[["le"]], progress = FALSE)})})
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 2'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
To convert the results in a more user-friendly format:
allResults5 <- lapply(freq5, FUN = function (av) {"rbind", lapply(names(av), FUN = function ( x ) {
report2(av[[x]], add = list(kb=x))[["plain"]]}))})
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Found 6 missing linking errors for dependent variable 'failMin' and parameter(s) 'NcasesValid'. Assume linking error of 0 for these cases.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Found 6 missing linking errors for dependent variable 'passReg' and parameter(s) 'NcasesValid'. Assume linking error of 0 for these cases.
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Found 6 missing linking errors for dependent variable 'passOpt' and parameter(s) 'NcasesValid'. Assume linking error of 0 for these cases.
allResults5 <-"rbind", allResults5)
When analyzing quartiles, quantiles or percentiles, please note that
the computation of group differences is not supported yet.
requires to specify the probabilities via the
argument. The following example illustrates the usage
of the function for the domain “reading” for 2010 and 2015. We compute
the 5., 10., 25., 75., 90., and 95. percentile:
btRead <- bt[which(bt[,"domain"] == "reading"),]
quan <- repQuantile(datL = btRead, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", trend = "year",
dependent = "score", linkErr = "leScore",
probs = c(.05, .1, .25, .75, .90, .95), progress = FALSE )
## Trend group: '2010'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 1'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: '2015'
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 1'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 73 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
allows to estimate linear and logistic regression
models. To date, trend analyses do not incorporate linking errors. The
reporting function report()
optionally allows to print the
results to the console (if printGlm
is set to
). In the first example, the regression of reading
competence on sex, SES is estimated in each country separately. For a
valid interpretation of interaction effects, SES variable is
standardized within each imputation:
bt2010read <- by(data=bt2010read, INDICES = bt2010read[,"imp"], FUN = function ( i ) {
i[,"ses_std"] <- scale(i[,"ses"])[,1]
bt2010read <-"rbind", bt2010read)
reg1 <- repGlm(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", formula = score~sex*ses_std,
family=gaussian(link="identity"), progress = FALSE)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 1'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: 'noTrend'.
## groups: type = point; country = countryA; row = 1; id = 14574361_1
## domain: reading
## dependent Variable: score
## parameter est se t.value p.value sig
## 1 (Intercept) 505.837 4.428 114.243 0.000 ***
## 2 ses_std 23.697 3.876 6.114 0.000 ***
## 3 sexmale 8.677 5.594 1.551 0.121
## 4 sexmale:ses_std 4.109 5.527 0.743 0.457
## R-squared: 0.115; SE(R-squared): NA
## 1034 observations and 1030 degrees of freedom.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## groups: type = point; country = countryB; row = 4; id = 14574361_4
## domain: reading
## dependent Variable: score
## parameter est se t.value p.value sig
## 1 (Intercept) 499.044 4.624 107.934 0.000 ***
## 2 ses_std 28.344 4.637 6.113 0.000 ***
## 3 sexmale 7.918 7.804 1.015 0.311
## 4 sexmale:ses_std 7.598 5.024 1.512 0.131
## R-squared: 0.181; SE(R-squared): NA
## 959 observations and 955 degrees of freedom.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------
## groups: type = point; country = countryC; row = 7; id = 14574361_7
## domain: reading
## dependent Variable: score
## parameter est se t.value p.value sig
## 1 (Intercept) 525.240 3.788 138.663 0.000 ***
## 2 ses_std 24.083 5.246 4.591 0.000 ***
## 3 sexmale 15.108 5.289 2.856 0.004 **
## 4 sexmale:ses_std 0.879 7.460 0.118 0.906
## R-squared: 0.096; SE(R-squared): NA
## 1086 observations and 1082 degrees of freedom.
The second example illustrates a logistic regression. Whether or not
the regular standard was passed (passReg
) is the dependent
variable. The variable country
is now used as a
reg2 <- repGlm(datL = bt2010read, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type="jk2", PSU="jkzone",
repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", formula = passReg~country*ses_std,
family=binomial(link="logit"), progress = FALSE)
## 1 analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = 0'.
## Assume unnested structure with 3 imputations.
## Create 92 replicate weights according to JK2 procedure.
## Trend group: 'noTrend'.
## groups: type = point; row = 1; id = 14575099_1
## domain: reading
## dependent Variable: passReg
## parameter est se t.value p.value sig
## 1 (Intercept) -0.227 0.115 -1.972 0.049 *
## 2 countrycountryB -0.206 0.156 -1.317 0.188
## 3 countrycountryB:ses_std 0.097 0.159 0.613 0.540
## 4 countrycountryC 0.465 0.141 3.305 0.001 ***
## 5 countrycountryC:ses_std -0.086 0.142 -0.604 0.546
## 6 ses_std 0.609 0.082 7.401 0.000 ***
## R-squared: 0.116; SE(R-squared): NA
## 3079 observations and 3073 degrees of freedom.
The output gives the (for linear regression models) as well as Nagelkerke’s (for logistic regression models).